28 Narborough Road, Leicester LE3 0BQ

Phone: 0116 2541298


Smile Case Study - Implants (a)

This patient had a long standing history of infection and pain associated with two heavily restored and crowned upper right front teeth. Unfortunately, these two teeth did not respond to treatment and had to be removed.

To replace the damaged teeth and restore our patient’s smile, 3 options were available:
  • a removable partial denture

  • a fixed bridge

  • dental implants

We discussed the options with our patient who indicated that he would be unhappy with a removable denture. The fixed bridge would have entailed “prepping” the adjacent healthy teeth and would have been too destructive of tooth tissue. Because implants are free standing this option offered the patient the ideal permanent solution and a confident smile.

Smile Case Study - Implants (b)

The patient lost the upper left front two teeth in a sports accident. She was wearing a plastic removable denture which was socially and aesthetically unacceptable. Two implants were placed and restored with ceramic crowns to give her the confidence to eat an apple without the fear of the teeth dropping out! With this newly restored smile the teeth are protected with a custom made mouth guard (gum shield) which offers a better fit and is therefore more effective than an off the shelf product.

Find out more about Dental Implants

Call The Smile & Implant Centre today on 0116 254 1298.